Our Love Journey

Love at first sight

Alex first noticed Perry in kindergarten and was smitten with her long brown hair. Perry first noticed Alex as the little boy who kept staring at her. No one knew what the future would hold!

Friends First

Perry and Alex became friends after high school when their friends group overlapped. As friends they enjoyed many movies and parties until one night when it became something more. They both fell hard and fast for each other and enjoyed trips to Montreal, sunny days on the beach, visits to museums and aquariums, and most of all each other’s company.

Living Together (Round 1)

Fresh out of college Alex and Perry attempted to move in together and quickly realized it wasn’t going to work. They ended the relationship and attempted friendship, but ultimately failed. Alex moved to Colorado and then Chicago while Perry moved on.


Alex reached out to Perry after several years and after getting together for a drink they began a friendship through email and text. After a couple years of virtual communication they decided to try again, they recognized how each other had grown, but most importantly they realized how much they still cared for one another.

Living Together

Once they decided they were both all in Alex packed his bags and moved from Chicago back to CT! He settled in quickly with Perry and “the boys”!

The Proposal

Perry and Alex went on an incredible trip to Paris where many speculated they would get engaged, but the timing wasn’t right. Instead, months later after a hectic weekend Alex suggested they go to dinner at Perry’s favorite restaurant. Perry was sure he was going to propose at dinner so she was preparing herself emotionally while she showered and got dressed. You can imagine her surprise when she came downstairs to find candles, flowers, chocolate cake, photos, and most importantly Alex on one knee! She couldn’t say “yes” fast enough! They celebrated over dinner and then called family and friends to share the news.

Gift Registry
